How to Start a Painting Business in Alaska
Here is a list of some items you may need to address when trying to start a painting business in the state of Alaska:
Getting Started- The state of Alaska has created a few links to help you get started with your business: and
-Register your painting business name.
Find out more about business name registration here:
If you need help selecting a name for your painting business: Choosing A Painting Business Name
-Select your business structure.
Determine what business structure you wish to have: Sole-proprietor, LLC, Partnership, Corporation, etc. Read Chapter 2 on business structures here:
-Register your painting business.
You will need a business license to operate a painting business in Alaska:
-Open a Business Checking Account.
You will need to open a separate bank account for your painting business with your new business name.
-Find out about taxes, hire an accountant.
You may want to file your own taxes if you are a small company. As you grow, it will be easier to have an accountant do the work. More information about taxes here: and .
-Get Liability Insurance.
We work with Contractors Liability because they’re the one-stop-shop for Painting Contractor Liability insurance and are able to get online quotes in all 50 states. Get a Free Quote Now >
Find out more about liability insurance here: Painting Business Liability Insurance
-Register as a Contractor.
Depending on what type of work you plan to do, you may need to register with the state of Alaska. Find out more here:
-Worker’s Compensation.
The insurance agency that provided your liability insurance should be able to help with this. You don’t need Worker’s Compensation unless you have employees. Get a Free Quote Now >
-Get Health Insurance.
Since you will be self-employed, you will need your own health insurance. If you have employees, you will need a plan that will include their health needs also.