Start a Painting Business In Georgia

How To Start A Painting Business In Georgia

How to Start a Painting Business In Georgia

If you want to start a painting business in the state of Georgia, you will need to complete a few important steps in order to become a legal company.   Here are some steps you may have to take (not necessarily in order) to start your painting business, along with registration links.
Getting started- Two websites Georgia has created about how to start a business can be found here: and

  1. Register your painting business name.

You will need to register your painting business name with the Superior Court Clerk in your Georgia county.

  1. Select a business structure for your painting business.

Sole-proprietor, LLC, Partnership, Corporation, etc.  Find out more here:

  1.  Register your painting business.

You can register your painting business with the state of Georgia here:

  1. Open a Business Checking Account.

You will need to open a separate bank account for your new painting business with your new business name.

  1. Taxes.

You may want to have an accountant do the work. More info about taxes here: and

  1.  Get Liability Insurance.

We work with Contractors Liability because they’re the one-stop-shop for Painting Contractor Liability insurance and are able to get online quotes in all 50 states. Get a Free Quote Now >

Find out more about liability insurance here: Painting Business Liability Insurance

  1.  Register as a Contractor.

Find out if you need to register as a painting contractor here: Georgia Secretary of State

  1. Worker’s Compensation.

The insurance agency that provided your liability insurance should be able to help with this. Get a Free Quote Now >

  1. Get Health Insurance.

Since you will be self-employed, you will need your own health insurance.  If you have employees, you will need a plan that will include their health needs also.

  1. City License.

You may be required to obtain a license operate your painting business in a particular locale, whether you are a resident, or not.

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