Start a Painting Business In Mississippi

How To Start A Painting Business In Mississippi

How to Start a Painting Business In Mississippi

Here are some things to consider when trying to start a painting business in the state of Mississippi.
Mississippi has a website to help you get started with your business:  Mississippi Business Services

  1. Register your painting business name.

You may need to register a fictitious name for your business.

If you need help selecting a name for your painting business: Choosing a Painting Business Name

  1. Select a business structure.

Determine what business structure you wish to have: Sole-proprietor, LLC, Partnership, Corporation, etc.

  1.  Register your painting business.

You may be required to register your new painting business with your state.

  1. Open a Business Checking Account.

You will need to open a separate bank account for your business with your new business name.

  1. Taxes.

You may want to file your own taxes if you are a small company. As you grow, it will be easier to have an accountant do the work. More information about taxes here: and .

  1.  Get Liability Insurance.

We work with Contractors Liability because they’re the one-stop-shop for Painting Contractor Liability insurance and are able to get online quotes in all 50 states. Get a Free Quote Now >

Find out more about liability insurance here: Painting Business Liability Insurance

  1.  You May Need to Register as a Contractor.

You need to find out if your state or city requires you to register as an insured contractor.

  1. Worker’s Compensation.

The insurance agency that provided your liability insurance should be able to help with this.  You don’t need Worker’s Compensation unless you have employees. Get a Free Quote Now >

  1. Get Health Insurance.

Since you will be self-employed, you will need your own health insurance.  If you have employees, you will need a plan that will include their health needs also.

  1. City License.

You may be required to obtain a license to operate your painting business in a particular locale, whether you are a resident, or not.

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